Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Work and Money...stuff

So okay, I just really need to get this shit off my chest. And no, this ain't about how to get that dream job or how to make money online or some shit like that. It's about me ranting about work and money...and maybe some other stuff as I would go along writing this.

Some of ya'll might say, "hey bud, at least you have a job to start with." Well yeah..but shut up, this ain't your blog buddy. Go and write your own shit okay? This is my space...just read the damn thing.

Well I've been stressing a lot lately about a lot of things that are happening, and about things that will eventually happen. I won't go into further detail on it because...I just don't want to. But I will say this, it is about work and money. Like duh...

Work has been very physically stressful, and judging by my 3-week long sickness, I bet that it is. Oh and don't even get me started about this damn weather we're having. Oh boy, the weather is f-u-c-k-e-d! Simply put, it ain't helping me recover from this shitty cough and cold, plus sore throat.

Going back to the "work" topic, it has been bitching. Not that the work itself is hard, its just that the opportunity to go up is looking pretty steep for my ass. Why you might ask...well it's simply because my boss hates my guts. That might be a little exaggerated, but that's what I feel. And I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but I seem to be always put in difficult situations at work. Difficult meaning the work itself is a bitch, the deadlines are fucked up, and pressure is always on and on high.

A little background on me...I don't usually complain about this shit because I love the pressure. I love being challenged to do something out of the long as I see the point. Here, now...I clearly don't. Why you might ask does seem that all the hard work goes nowhere. Working without recognition is okay at some levels, but overworking without recognition is another thing. Being under-appreciated hits all the right spots. You start to question yourself why do I keep doing this? Why do I allow myself to be used like a work horse and don't get anything even just to say that you've done a good job? Why? Why? Why?

Answer is quite I need money. Especially now that I am paying for numerous of things. And is still planning to purchase a lot in the near future. One problem I have is not settling for second best. Even if I know that I will be in a bitching quicksand of debt. I have all my reasons why I want the finer things. So if you want to contradict...shut the fuck up! Again this is not your blog.

All these headaches and stresses lead me to rethink my strategy in life...sort of at least. Planing to go overseas and look for some greener pastures is all out there. Even buying some lottery tickets and hoping for a chance to win big bucks. All these just to rid myself of the constant reminder that what I have right now is not enough. But would it stop there?

A wise man once told me that whatever it is that we have right now is always not enough. We constantly seek for more. And I guess he is right. It's just part of our humanity. But even if I knew all dilemma still exists.

And I will remain ultra stressed for the weeks...rather months to come. And I blame myself. Fuck that, I blame society and media. Yeah...that sounds about right.

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